Friday, January 13, 2012

Is it wrong if the title is second entry, since, it is the second entry...

Wow. I actually sit down and write my second entry. Maybe more of lying down, but that's not the point. Anyway, I thought of writing and publishing my second entry on 2/1/2012 @ 2nd of January but I'm just too lazy despite the unique opportunity to publish my second entry on the second day of the new year. Second option is on 2/2/2012, but I probably don't even remember what I want to write/blog/bitch about by then.

I remember about promising something about telling a little bit about my background in my first entry (though as you might have guess, I'm too lazy to double check) so here it is. Though 'you' here, in this context, might be just myself reading back my own entry, I willl assume that 'you', are really someone else.

Okay, I won't tell you my name, though it won't be hard to find out (keyword:Google). I'm 3 series now, or 30 for those who need it to be spelled out, but still like late twenties in term of maturity. I'm working in the IT industry (duh, the blog url is ralat semantik, guess which field of IT I'm in) and found it, err, mildly exciting. Why mild? Well, it sort of like, like everyone else, I'd love to have 10 billions ringgit without breaking a sweat, but if I have to earn it, programming is something that I can live with, something that I kind of like it since I have to work anyway.

Despite the name of the blog, I won't talk about programming much, maybe a little jargon here and there just to show off and hide my feeling of inferiority, and as for the meaning of ralat semantik or semantic error, if you can find my blog, I'm sure you can find the definiton yourself (keyword:WIKIPEDIA).

For someone who supposed to be lazy, I think I have write a bit too long, but that would make up for my next entry, which I'm sure will take, like forever, though it's not like there's someone waiting eagerly for the next installment like it's the next episode of 'The Walking Dead'. 'Till then, adios amigos.

p.s. No, I don't know Spanish, and for now doesn't care whether it's amigo or amigos, or if amigo can be pluralized.

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